Monday, August 27, 2007

The Break Up

Much had been written about The Break Up (2006) when it was released last year, but little of it had to do with the actual movie. The headlines were about Brad and Angelina, Brad and Jennifer, Vince and Jennifer, Angelina against Jennifer...and so on. This past weekend, I got to see the movie that was more famous for being famous without any of that excess baggage.

What is left is a functional comedy based on broad two dimentional characters. The story follows Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston as the perfect couple who fall apart for the normal boy/girl relationship issues (He's insensitive and she knows it) and then go to war with each other over their super condo.

There's nothing new that really happens here, but watching it on tv it seemed to work well. Maybe because it wasn't a movie theater, I had lower expectations. Vaughn worked his fast talking smarm schtick and Aniston acted like she was still on Friends. On tv, the derivative plot and obvious jokes because, well, that's what you expect from tv. I would never suggest paying to see the Break Up, but if you happen to see it for free it won't hurt too much.

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